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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Interventions

Identify your Organizations’ unique Patterns of Inclusion Strengths and Needs

We offer evidence-based support for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging initiatives. Our interventions are tailored to specific organizational cultures and needs. We are certified by the Cultural Intelligence Center on both the Unconscious Bias and Cultural Intelligence trainings. We also work with organizational leaders to understand their goals, challenges, and priorities and collect data using Dr. Praslova’s comprehensive inclusion audit and an organizational climate survey customized to organizational demographics, size, and industry. Based on the data, we propose customizable intervention plans and help members of the organization collaborate on creating solutions that remedy existing injustices and establish systems that will prevent various forms of injustice from recurring.


Watch Video on Cultural Intelligence



The Baseline Assessment and a detailed Data Report will provide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging indicators to serve as the foundation for Custom Intervention Recommendations.


Customized Intervention Recommendations include any or all of the following:


  • Results interpretation and strategy development support for organizational leadership,  

  • Comprehensive inclusion training covering cultural and demographic diversity (global, ethnic, race, age, gender), physical ability, and neurodiversity.

  • In-depth inclusion training modules (cultural diversity, race, gender, physical ability, and neurodiversity) using focused customizable units as needed. 

  • Policy drafting support to address structural barriers to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

  • Comprehensive inclusive hiring and talent management plan development support.


Post-Intervention Assessment: Detailed Data Report will provide an assessment of progress on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging indicators with Custom Follow-Up and Continuous Organizational Learning Recommendations.​


Organizations will:


  • Receive a Valid Assessment of Inclusion Strengths and Needs

  • Receive Support in Addressing identified Needs

  • Receive a Valid Assessment of Progress

  • Develop Organizational Know-How and Confidence in Developing and Maintaining Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

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